Aibofolio isn't just a portfolio, It's a tech playground where websites dance with code, posters explode with event energy, and words spark with tech wisdom. Art and tech high-five here, building bridges and redefining success, one click at a time. Come and explore my creation!

Created a System Solution named SmileIT Inc. - A Web App

Revamping SmileIT Computer Institute's Online Presence


As the lead UI/UX designer and web developer, I assumed the dual role of CEO at SmileIT Computer Institute, where I actively weighed strategic decisions to propel the institution's digital transformation.

Collaborating with a talented team, including Brent Ibanez and Patrick Flores, I focused on crafting a cleaner and more professional-looking MVP that aligns seamlessly with the institute's mission and offerings.

Drawing inspiration from my experience with Signalin, I approached the task with a user-centric mindset, ensuring that the content was not only informative but also visually engaging. The MVP now boasts a refined layout, incorporating a seamless blend of intuitive navigation and modern design elements.

In my capacity as the primary web designer, I made it a priority to ensure the site's responsiveness across various devices, providing a consistent and optimal viewing experience for all users. Leveraging my expertise, I meticulously optimized the design for desktops, tablets, and mobile devices to enhance accessibility and user satisfaction.


The Products and Services section received a facelift, with each offering presented in a clear and structured manner. Technical Training, Certification Preparation, Customized Corporate Training, and Career Development Workshops are now highlighted with visually appealing graphics and concise descriptions.

In the spirit of a UI designer, I paid careful attention to details, optimizing the visual hierarchy, and employing a harmonious color palette. The overall aesthetic is now aligned with contemporary design standards, creating a positive and lasting impression on readers.

Noteworthy is the seamless integration of the backend, expertly handled by Brent Ibanez and Patrick Flores. This collaborative effort resulted in a harmonious marriage of design and functionality. The website's deployment was carried out through Vercel, ensuring not only a visually polished experience but also a technically robust one.

As I reflect on this project, I am proud to have played a pivotal role in enhancing SmileIT Computer Institute's digital presence. The MVP now stands as a testament to the institute's dedication to delivering high-quality IT education, setting a professional tone that resonates with prospective students and corporate clients alike.

This project represents a triumph of collaboration, and I owe immense thanks to every individual who played a role in its success. Sir Dennis Doblar's mentorship provided invaluable direction, while Brent IbaƱez and Patrick John Flores tackled the development with remarkable talent. The insightful research provided by Samuel Espina was a cornerstone of our work. To each and every one of you, my heartfelt gratitude for your dedication and invaluable contributions.

In conclusion, this collaborative effort, marked by strategic decisions made in my role as CEO, represents a significant step towards achieving SmileIT Computer Institute's goal of becoming a beacon of excellence in IT education in Bacolod City. I am confident that the refined and responsive digital presentation, published through Vercel, will contribute to nurturing a generation of proficient IT professionals, making a significant impact on the dynamic IT sector in the region.

Huge shoutout to my team! Our SmileIT website overhaul is live! Visit the front-end demo and witness the magic we made: We're proud to be shaping the future of IT education in Bacolod!

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