Aibofolio isn't just a portfolio, It's a tech playground where websites dance with code, posters explode with event energy, and words spark with tech wisdom. Art and tech high-five here, building bridges and redefining success, one click at a time. Come and explore my creation!

We Made An App Concept that made it as a Finalist for the Regional Startup Challenge

Signalin an App to help Hearing & Speech Impaired Individuals


In my dual role as both the CEO/Project Manager and the presenter for Signalin, I approached the pitch with a compelling blend of confidence and enthusiasm. As a UI/UX designer deeply invested in effective visual communication, my involvement in creating UI design mockups for Signalin goes beyond the aesthetic.

As the CEO/Project Manager and a designer, I recognize the critical importance of Signalin's mission—catering to the deaf and hard-of-hearing community. This unique mobile app addresses a significant gap in accessibility, offering an invaluable solution to enhance communication and connectivity for a demographic that often faces barriers in the digital landscape.

Signalin's vision transcends the creation of just another app; it's about fostering inclusivity and breaking down communication barriers. As I delved into refining the pitch deck and actively contributed to the UI design, I understood that Signalin represents more than just a startup; it's a catalyst for positive change.


The need for Signalin is underscored by the challenges faced by the deaf and hard-of-hearing community in a world where digital communication is ubiquitous. By offering a tailored solution, Signalin has the potential to revolutionize how this community interacts with technology, fostering a more inclusive digital environment.

In crafting the UI design mockups, my goal was not only to create a visually compelling presentation but to reinforce the importance of Signalin's mission. The polished slides and cohesive design are not just aesthetic enhancements; they serve as a powerful tool to convey the app's significance and potential impact.

In my dual role, I'm not just shaping the visuals; I'm championing a cause. As the CEO/Project Manager, I am committed to pushing Signalin forward, recognizing its potential to make a meaningful difference in the lives of the deaf and hard-of-hearing individuals. This startup deserves not just attention but active support and investment to turn its vision into a transformative reality.

By aligning design excellence with a compelling mission, Signalin stands poised to not only succeed as a startup but to make a lasting impact on the landscape of accessibility and communication technology. The journey to the finals wasn't just about securing a spot; it was about advocating for Signalin's potential to redefine accessibility and communication for a community that truly deserves it.

  Want to know me more? Click here