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User Interface (UI) and User Experience (UX) Analysis and Design for Existing Applications

Improving Mobile App UI/UX as a Designer


As a UI/UX designer with over 5 years of experience, I regularly work on redesign projects to enhance the user experience of mobile apps. Recently, I was tasked with restyling and optimizing three popular apps - ILOVEUSAM, Metrobank, and Peddlr.

Existing Apps UI & UX Analysis & Design by Gian Aibo C. Boyero

Upon analyzing their existing interfaces, I immediately noticed issues that impacted key metrics like user frustration, confusion, discomfort, and accessibility. There was clear room for improvement. Leveraging my expertise in layout, visual hierarchy, and simplified navigation, I set forth to transform these apps to align with modern design best practices.

For Metrobank, creating a welcoming login improved first impressions while typography and color changes boosted readability.

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My reimagined ILOVEUSAM home screen simplifies the discoverability of diverse on-demand services through clean tabs and descriptive icons. Reducing clutter was crucial for usability.

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Peddlr’s revamp focused on prioritizing primary options and separating actions clearly. Across all designs, I established uniform UI styles, intuitive flows, and purposeful visuals that put critical functions front and center. The improvements imbue the apps with a professional polish that users expect in today’s market. My streamlined versions establish trust and effectively convey core features.

I’m thrilled with how my seasoned designer’s eye helped evolve these apps into their best forms without sacrificing their utility. The cleaner interfaces lower learning curves and improve key tasks from browsing services to tracking finances and inventory. It was highly rewarding to lend my UI/UX skillset towards enhancing three key mobile experiences. I look forward to further opportunities to elevate platforms through human-centric design.

In closing, this app redesign project enabled me to have a real positive impact as a UI/UX designer. By thoughtfully analyzing pain points and shortcomings in the existing interfaces of ILOVEUSAM, Metrobank, and Peddlr, I was able to markedly improve three key mobile experiences. My enhancements recalibrated the visual hierarchy, navigation, layouts, and aesthetic presentation to be simpler, more intuitive, and aligned with modern sensibilities. Users stand to benefit through reduced friction, increased findability of features, and interactions that feel professional versus confusing. It was deeply fulfilling to streamline these apps from a human-centered lens, making each solution feel welcoming, purposeful and focused. I’m proud to have showcased the power great design can bring towards elevating platforms. These reimagined versions represent major usability upgrades poised to better serve user needs.

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