Aibofolio isn't just a portfolio, It's a tech playground where websites dance with code, posters explode with event energy, and words spark with tech wisdom. Art and tech high-five here, building bridges and redefining success, one click at a time. Come and explore my creation!

Posters for International, National, and Local Google Events

International Event Poster

Four GDSC chapters, four countries, countless connections – that's the legacy of the Perennial International GDSC Chapters Event! Led by yours truly, this two-day online extravaganza united tech enthusiasts from the Philippines, Korea, Japan, and Indonesia in a whirlwind of software exploration.

From mastering UI/UX with Estella Bravo to conquering microfront-end development with Surahutomo Pradana, our expert speakers delivered knowledge bombs that ignited learning fires across the globe. And it wasn't just code – attendees forged bonds with GDSC chapters from around the world, sharing cultures and learning styles in a truly enriching exchange.

Perennial wasn't just an event; it was a bridge. A bridge between continents, between skill levels, between dreams and realities. And seeing its impact firsthand? That's a feeling worth more than any line of code. Stay tuned for more from the Perennial chapters – our roots are strong, and our branches are reaching ever higher!

My GDSC journey took an exciting turn when I, as the Philippines representative, had the chance to connect with fellow leads from Japan, Korea, and Indonesia! We embarked on a roundtable discussion, delving into the unique experiences of running GDSC chapters across diverse cultures.

From navigating leadership paths to sharing the spark that ignited this international event, our conversation was a vibrant tapestry of challenges, triumphs, and shared passion for tech. It was truly inspiring to witness the power of collaboration across borders, and I can't wait to share the insights and connections we forged at Perennial!
Custopia Picture

National Event Poster

Custopia Picture

The spark flickered long before LAWIG's name ever hit the screen. As a GDSC Lead, I often dreamt of a nationwide event, a bridge across islands weaving a tapestry of Filipino tech talent. It was an ambitious vision, one that kept bouncing off the walls of my mind until it collided with another dreamer, an event organizer from Google. LAWIG was born in that collision, a shared passion given form.

But LAWIG wasn't just about ideas; it was about ink on paper, pixels on screens. I knew the poster, the visual face of the event, had to resonate with every aspiring developer, be it in a bustling Manila classroom or a serene mountainside schoolhouse.

So, I hunched over my canvas, pouring the vibrant energy of the Philippine tech scene into every line and color. The final design, a fusion of circuits and landscapes, reflects the heart of LAWIG: where tech meets the Philippines, and a thousand futures bloom.

Local Event Poster

Custopia Picture

The festive spirit still lingers in the air of Bacolod City! Google DevFest 2023, a whirlwind of tech and cultural celebration, has come and gone, leaving behind a trail of sparks and memories. As Co-Lead of the GDG Bacolod community, I poured my heart and soul into making this event truly special.

The official DevFest poster, vibrant and alive, embodied the essence of what we aimed to achieve. Each splash of color, each stroke of the line, told a story: the seamless blending of Negrense tradition and contemporary tech innovation symbolized by the iconic Masskara masks dancing alongside lines of code.

The echoes of laughter and the hum of innovation still resonate in Bacolod's soul. DevFest 2023 may be over, but the connections forged, the knowledge shared, and the inspiration ignited will continue to spark our tech journey forward. This, friends, was more than just an event; it was a celebration of who we are and what we can achieve together.

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